Today I'm starting a new segment...it's called 'Studio Visit' (are you all asleep yet?) WAKE UP!!!!!!!!! Its going to be fun (at least for me).O.K. every so often I will take a photograph of something in my studio and write something clever and witty (maybe). It might be something really small (like my studio..ha ha) or very large (like my electricity bill) It will be something of interest (hopefully) Why am I starting this fun segment you wonder? Well dear readers, the other day (yesterday to be precise) I started cleaning out my studio and I came across hundreds and hundreds of 'THINGS' in and around my studio. It's true that I very rarely ever throw anything away. So after spending the good part of 7 hours I actually trashed 2 items.See I'm really bad at saying goodbye.
Please dont be put off by the photo above, it will get a lot better than that...I shot many photos yesterday and will start posting them in the next few weeks and months (until you all tell me to STOP!!!!))
Here is the really strange part.I know where everything is........Everything!
Now where did I put my martini?