I have so much stuff in my apartment (Big sigh) It's all very beautiful and hand picked from a lot of strange and wonderful places. I've been collecting 'stuff' since I was a kid. I simply couldn't part with one piece. Never! Ever! Out of the question.
Well dear reader thats what I use to think as of maybe a few weeks ago. Now Im back in Miami, I seem to be looking at things with a fresh eye (both of them in fact) So I woke up the other morning (really!) and took a long hard look.I came to the conclusion, that even though it's hardly junk, I simply don't want it anymore.So I'm starting a new segment on my blog, it's called 'What the F... am I going to do with my little treasures' O.K. it's not really called that, but you get the idea...The 'stuff' has been very important in my art and also I have really enjoyed living with it ,but it's time to go (the stuff that is , not me) So here is the first in a very long series...
Part One.
ALL MY CLOCKS (no it's not a soap opera)
Yes thats right...I have about 60 clocks, all very lovely and all in working order.All the times are set at 2.45. The question is what should I do with them?
A. Give them away to a clock collector?
B. Sell them on E-Bay?
C. Put them in storage?
D. Drown them?
E. Pretend I don't see them.
I'm taking suggestions. The winner will get a clock...What else?
Why are the clocks set to 2.45 you ask? well thats the time my mother died.
Who said they were happy clocks.
P.S. All my clocks are featured in the film I made about my mother 'Sylvia' If I can loose my mother I can certainly loose all my clocks...Cant I ?
One day I found myself sitting on the stairs of the house I had just sold
The movers truck was just turning the corner of the street
Then I asked mysel : "What if the sea countainer would fall into the ocean, what would I miss?"
My son's pictures, less that 5 books among hundreds, maybe one lamp who is a gift, featuring the earth pierced by an arrow...
I have seen a friend retrieving things from his burnt house, (so commun in winter in Montreal),crying when he found his children pictures
Beloved ones, what else?
About your survey : sell, give
I totally agree with you but I dont have a son..x
After giving much thought to your situation I have figured out the perfect solution. I lost almost everything in Hurricane Andrew it was wonderful. I felt as light as a feather, free. A new chapter of my life was beginning.
However in your case being that it is a tribute to your mother and what a beautiful collection, I would recommend that you give one to me and carefully wrap up all the others and put them in storage for a rainy day.
The above comment was from me Philip. Of course I do not want to be anonymous. I am mentally challenged when blogging.xxxxxxxxx
Well I should really give one to each of my friends but but but....they look so good together......
Time to kill--or time to die?
I recently watched "Ghost Town"--a truly deep and thought-provoking movie--not really, but Ricky Gervaise is one of my favorites. Anyway--there is one takeaway from the movie--and that is the dead only stay with us until--and by "stay" I mean talk to us in our dreams, come to us in frequent memories, etc.--until we make amends with them. They "stay" because we (the living) actually want/need them to "stay".
That's a lovely tribute to your mother--how about changing them all to display the time of her birth to help you celebrate her life instead? Once you've done that you might be able to let them go.
you are a wise woman indeed........x
I love this posting...simply said. I know you couldn't comprehend the letting go of your mother's things that you rescued to create Sybil...and eventually create your movie...which I cannot wait to see in its completed state. I would say create something from your clocks...a work of art from these collectables...I am sure you could render something dear friend. M
they are included in the film so I have them recorded.So it just remains what to do with them.....time flys..time to kill..time out.....out of time...
I like it that you are called m
What to do with them...since they are forever captured...at 2:45...I would still say render something physical and tie it in with the film....bleeding clocks...but even if you had set them to the time of her birth...the truth is the clocks no longer are meant to keep time...they are dark clocks...
They are all frozen in time its true, but its like a dark sad house.New owners and a lick of paint and its as good as new........They all work, I just like them the way they are...no! they have to go.and go they will..thanks for your suggestions though.
Possessions own you, you do not own them...tick toc tick toc.....
babs you are so right........wait to you see what else I have..what am I going to do? aghhhhhhhhh
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