Saturday, December 13, 2008

kiss me kiss me kiss me...then again!

"After struggling with the thought of another holiday season. Philip, slowly, but with the air of certainty, slipped into a festive mood with the exuberance of a party animal."

One day I'll post all my christmas cards from the last 20 years. This years card is a little tame by my sick standards , but I thought given the world climate (and I don't just mean the weather) I would be nice. Also as I am writing this, I feel like death. A lovely flu I picked up in Miami, I'm sure from all the coughing spluttering art people who sneezed in my face at Art Basel......Anyway, happy holidays and all that stuff and I hope you remember to give give give. REMEMBER It's better to give than receive. Well thats what we are led to believe.
Time for a hot lemon drink with honey......although a martini sounds pretty good about now. Maybe a honey lemon martini with olives and aspirin. CHEERS!


Anonymous said...

Big kisses...ah...damn...


thank you for the kisses, I now feel like a prince

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