Thursday, November 20, 2008

the great english breakfast

I just got back from England, Liverpool to be precise, I was working on my film. I haven't really lived in england since I was nineteen. The thing that struck me the most about being back again , is how bad the food still is. Heavy boiled tasteless goop, slop, gruel, well you get the picture. EXCEPT!!!!!! 'The great English Breakfast' Ah! a pure-ish delight. Yes of course its a cholesterol nightmare, laden with fat and grease and other enjoyable ingredients like lard, but what a way to start the day.
Armed with the inner glow of my breakfast swirling around my belly like restaurant swill in a blender, I felt I could tackle anything that England could throw at me.......Anything, except the price of petrol and the awful traffic jams, the rain, the cost of living, all those rotten teeth...Oh don't get me started...

Now where did I put that pepto bismal


Anonymous said...

Your blog is beautiful and neat..even food picture...!! yukary

BSA said...

Yes England is the ONLY time I ever eat McDonalds and Pizza Hut. There they both taste gourmet.

heidi Younger Illustration said...

Smashing good Blog there Mr Brooker!
Bring on the traditional English Breakfast, I'm game! Well, except the meat (vegetarian). Looking forward to more of your unique observations!