I have this little problem I would like to share with you all today, because thats what friends are for. O.K. here goes. Everyday for the last 2 months (and when I say everyday , I sometimes mean twice a day) I have been going to ( http://www.paris-live.com/paris_webcam/eiffel_tower_cam3.htm) to see a webcam picture of the Eiffel tower in all its static webcam glory. I know this is an illness and for the life of me I have been trying to figure out why I'm so addicted to this shot. Could it be because I want to see how the weather is? Could it be because I just need a quick Eiffel(eye-full) Could it be a nervous tick (or click) Whatever it is, Im getting worse. This webcam website offer other views of the Eiffel tower.I can see little people lining up in the rain to go to the top.I can see the traffic racing past the tower as if its not there. In fact I have quite a few camera angles that even Hitchcock might envy. When I first moved to Paris I would walk there everyday, so I know the area really well (maybe a little too well) I am starting to feel like a stalker, or a private eye staking out someone. It's not like I have time to look and ponder at this wonderful collection of steel bolted together with nuts and bolts. Well today I have decided to quit cold turkey, thats right, quit!! FINIS...Its not like I wont be going back or anything, So I will be able to see it up close and way too personal...So there it is, I have cured myself through the power of venting to all you dear readers by way of the blog..Ahhhhhhhhh What a relief...Really I feel like a burden has been lifted off my shoulders......WAIT!!!!!!!! Its nearly the top of the hour, and we all know what that means, YES!! The Eiffel tower twinkles for 10 minutes......Just this once. I promise it will be the last time.....Promise.
Just in case you might need another addiction, here is the address
Thank God you did not write about how you were addicted to Twitter and how it is sucking up your time BIG TIME. Au contraire... a quick Eiffel peek with tea or a martini through your day sounds normal to moi.
thank you...a fellow addict xx
And...now you just added another site to my overburdened favorites...I will just remove something else...but there is no cure....none whatsoever for loving that creation...perhaps it is what it represents that holds that allure for so many.
I tried to memorize every bolt myself...
treat yourself to the top of the hour.....love the twinkle...
The first live image I ever had was at the top of the hour...and it was breathtaking...like it was winking at me..of course I winked back.
better be careful who you wink at in Paris..
i've done the same with Oberammergau's live webcam for years, mon frère. good for you for giving your heart and soul what they desire! N*
oh thank god, I'm not alone.....maybe we could trade webcams, Ill show you mine if you show me yours
There is nothing wrong with winking when you want a response...
I like that webcam also.In fact I love webcams
a wink is as good as a nod
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