I have a friend in Paris whose name is Blandine. She is a new friend. All I can tell you about her is that she has a passion for food. She also has a passion for life. She is a wonderful cook and a very talented food stylist. O.K. you now have the picture. Recently (actually last week) her mother passed away. She lived in the south of France. Blandine was very brave and very sad when she left for her mothers funeral.
Apart from cooking and styling, Blandine takes wonderful yet simple photos with her i-Phone. In fact, ever since I met her she has recorded her daily life in images.I know her better through her photos than I do in real life.. .These are not the best photos in the world and she would not call herself a photographer (although she could be).She just snaps away, little moments and also big.
So while she was in the south of France, she came across this doll in a field, and sent it too me. I loved the image at once.It had all the components that made me bristle with creative excitement. I felt a little strange asking her to bring the doll (my new model) back to Paris (remember she was there for her mothers funeral) But she did. Everyday Blandine sends me a photo of the doll eating something or visiting a church,or just being a doll. all very strange and yet all very funny...
So what does a grown man want with a plastic doll that has mange (the doll has mange not the grown man) Well you will have to wait for that answer.But when I get back to Paris I'm going to spend a whole day photographing the doll in my own slightly morbid strange style. If you give me a choice between a fashion model or this scary little doll, I would take the doll every time.
I'm glad I know Blandine. I'm glad she brought the doll back to her home. I'm glad she is feeling a little less sad. In a few weeks you will see the result of my shoot.I have so many ideas. I wonder if Blandine will let me set up a mini studio in her apartment. I also wonder is she will be cooking that day...HINT HINT
I will cook, can't help it,I cook like I breathe and like you draw...
Then i have to force feed friends or who ever is around...
Well, nobody complained yet...
Ah! my blog worked
I would pick the doll too...
Blandine has a great eye...
well, I told her to bring it back...thank you very much...(big smile)
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